姜家律师事务所 Chiang Law Firm
4/12/2017 12:34 pm
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姜家律师事务所是一家以刑事法律丶移民法丶商法和财产法等专业法律服务为特色的综合性律师事务所,业务范围广泛,可用中英文提供法律服务。 姜家律师为哥伦比亚硕士,麻省大学法学博士。可熟练使用普通话,广东话,台山话,英文为客户服务。姜家律师出生在香港,在美国接受教育,可以将中美背景结合更好的服务客户需求。 姜家律师曾在及波士顿,纽约,香港,北京多地的国际机构工作过,为其客户带来高质量的商业和律师经验。 Attorney Gar Chiang holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Massachusetts, Master''''''''s Degree from Columbia University of New York and a degree of Juris Doctor from Massachusetts School of Law. He is licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and United States District Court. Born and raised in Hong Kong, and educated in the United States, Attorney Chiang is able to combine his background, experiences and particularly his understanding of different cultures that help him better serve his clients’ needs. Having worked in Boston, New York, Hong Kong, Beijing, Attorney Chiang brings his many years of professional and business experience and particulary his understanding of different cultures that help him better serve his clients'''''''' needs. He is fluent in Mandarin , Cantonese and Taisanese. He is also certified by Massachusetts Trial Courts as an interpreter in those two languages. Attorney Chiang is committed to do the best for his clients, charge reasonable fees, and provide quality service. One of his golden rules is, “always return a client’s telephone call within 24 hours!” Below are a sample of clients that have sought Attorney Chiang’s representation in: Criminal defense; Student suspension from educational institutions; Probable cause Clerk Magistrate hearings; Uncontested divorce in probate courts; Restaurant Purchase and Sale Agreements between buyers and sellers; Franchise Agreement; Immigration hearings for Permanent Residency and Citizenship petitioners; Formation of Corporations. 姜家律师: 纽约哥伦比亚大学 硕士学位 美国麻州大学法学院 法学博士学位 姜家律师事务所位于波士顿唐人街,为客户提供全方位法律服务。 姜律师拥有在纽约丶 香港和北京从事法律工作的经历, 有丰富的专业经验,尤其是对高级娱乐表演机构和国际表演艺术团体与服务业有丰富经验。 姜家律师在香港出生和长大,并在美国接受教育,因此他熟悉中西文化,能满足和理解来自不同背景和文化的客户需求。 以下是客户寻求姜家律师代理的部分法律事项: 刑事辩护; 学生被教育机构下令停课; 书记地方法官听证会; 在遗嘱认证法庭处理无争议离婚; 买家和卖家之间的餐厅收购及出售协议; 特许经营协议; 永久居留权和公民移民听证会; 企业注册投资等 姜律师能说流利的普通话和广东话,台山话。他具有马萨诸塞州初审法院认证的口译翻译者资格。姜律师致力于向客户提供最优质的服务,并收取合理费用。他对事业的一条黄金法则是: 「永远在24小时内回覆客户的电话!」 姜律师在美国麻省大学获得学士学位丶纽约哥伦比亚大学获得硕士学位丶并于美国麻省大学法律学院获得法律博士学位。姜律师是被麻塞诸塞联邦和美国联邦法院认可的执业律师。