Allston 地區,珍珠奶茶店Infusions Tea Spa 招人
8/10/2015 9:40 pm
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【Infusions Tea Spa 徵人啓示 Hiring】 Infusions Tea Spa is a bubble tea shop located in Allston. We are a popular café among students, as we are located near both BU and BC. We are looking for applicants who: - can be responsible for working a cash register, cleaning, and making/serving food and drinks, can work for long-term (at least 6 months) - can speak English and Mandarin (if possible) - we are looking for the night shift (5 pm to 12 a.m.) especially, if you can work both day( 1 1a.m. to 5pm) and night in different days, that will be even better. - can handle a fast-paced work environment - love bubble tea and are willing to learn (training is offered) ***Since night shift will get off from the work around 11:30am ~12:15 am, so before you applying this job, please consider about your transportation methods (especially people who live in Medford and Malden) If you are interested in this position, please email us Cindy Infusions Tea Spa 是一家台灣珍珠奶茶店,位於Allston, BU,BC 周邊 你喜歡珍珠奶茶嗎?想要加入我們跟我們一起工作嗎? 如果你有興趣, 請來信洽詢 ( Cindy) 工作內容包括: 1. 點餐,收銀,製作飲料與餐點,工作前準備工作與下班後的整潔工作 2. 需要具備英文與中文口語與聽力能力 3. 能夠同時掌握忙碌的工作環境,認真負責 4. 能長期工作 (至少六個月起),一週20+小時 5. 熱愛珍珠奶茶, 無經驗沒關係,我們將會提供完整的訓練 此次徵求重點在於: 1. 徵晚班工作人員 (5 pm to 12 am),寒暑假期間亦可上班的工作夥伴,如果你的時 間可以在, 早(11am to 5pm)晚班交錯,我們更歡迎你的加入 2.必須可以工作至少半年以上,只打算工作低於6個月的,請勿打擾 3. 由於infusions tea spa 座落於 BU附近,久久台北正對面,因此希望申請工作者,基於晚班下班時間有時會因為打掃整潔而延誤些許時間,因此如果你是住在malden or medford,請預先考量大眾運輸,或自己有車可以上下班,我們可提供你工作時停車空間 4. 如果你是學生,我們也歡迎你,但需滿21歲!! 5. 意者請來信至: 索取工作申請單